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January 06, 2004


Kelly L Taylor

This is a beautiful, uplifting story - to be successful we must be willing to make many mistakes - and learn from them. A resonant quote is this (though you may not think so, at first):

It is far easier to critique someone else's attempt than to create perfectly the first time.

It sounds like a don't-be-a-critic mantra, but I use it for reverse effect. I tell the team to draft the report, product, etc. The draft is the hardest part, but it gives the group a vision, even if it only crystallizes what-we-don't-want. That was more information than we knew when we had nothing to look at. Begin the work, then shape it as it grows.

Manish Verma

Your story is very nice. Actually iwas finding something on google and got this. I need a help if you wish. I have a competition on "1+1 is the new mantra of marketing". Can you send me something on this. Please sent soon .Its urgent. Thankyou.
Manish Verma .

David Foster

Absolutely fascinating story, which I have linked...thanks for passing it along.


an interesting analog to the pottery story is the development of software component models by microsoft and ibm.

microsoft developed and released an early version called COM (component object model) which was widely critized by the development community as not being particularly elegant, whereas ibm spearheaded the development of a "more pure" model called CORBA (common object request broker architecture).

microsoft quickly evolved and refined their COM model while the rest of the community continued to critize it and work on the more academic CORBA approach.

in the end, COM+ (followed by .NET) evolved to a pretty darn good technology that is installed and used in thousands of applications, whereas CORBA has been relegated after years of effort to an also-ran.

there is a lot to be said for the "ship early and ship often" approach versus "design until perfect and then ship".

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