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January 20, 2004


Jennifer Rice

To address the two comments above...

1. I actually won't work on a brand strategy for a company who doesn't want to invest the time or money in getting unbiased customer input. An unwillingness to learn what customers think implies a closed-minded attitude... in which case they don't need me.

2. I've never done customer research that didn't generate at least one item of complete surprise to the exec team. I really enjoy myth-shattering; I feel like they're getting their money's worth.

David Foster

I'll bet you get some interesting results when you compare the *company's* view of what's important/what they are good at with those of the *customers*. My experience is that many companies have items of dogma ("it is very important to our customers to have a single point of billing for multiple services") that have never been tested empirically.


Another great post.

It would seem that successful branding consultation starts
with correctly setting customer expectations regarding the necessity
and cost of accurately surveying customers.

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