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May 19, 2004



Their thinking may come down to this: If the article is worth sharing, the magazine is worth buying.

Regarding Fast Company, I wrote a comprehensive article (as myself, elsewhere) detailing why I let my subscription lapse. From a personal ROI perspective, I couldn't justify the expense when month after month I was treated to more ads than Times Square and little snippets that often times, I could find elsewhere, for free.

This could be the scourge of the publishing industry going forward, as well. Bloggers need content to remain interesting/relevant (presuming one is "blogging" with those intentions), and traditional print media can't keep up with that kind of demand. Granted, there will still be JD Robb books, but I wonder how many computer programming books will get churned out year after year, for example, with the crush of sites devoted to that subject, often for free.

Peter Caputa

exactly. there has been so many times when i've wanted to 'comment on' and 'link to' articles that i've read in wired and b2 and others, but don't because i can't find the equivalent article online.

that's about 300 free impressions/day that they are missing. i am sure brand mantra is even more. add that up, and they are missing out.

most of their content isn't timely (in the news sense). they'd be well served to offer it up online for free after a month or so.

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