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August 22, 2004


Alisha Vincent

Such a simple, yet crucial concept. Thanks for putting it to words. We never say 'thank you' enough in our day to day rush. Actually, connected with this I would add that 'congratulations' is too rarely issued. A business colleague with another magazine recently was promoted to the position of editor. While we had a rocky relationship in the past (thanks to our competing publications), my note of 'congrats' was well received and worked this week to repair our tense situation. It reminded me that the simple act of noticing and acknowledging someone else's contribution to your industry is VITAL. Sometimes in the form of a 'thank you' and other times in the shape of a 'congrats'. Thanks, Jennifer.


Great idea, Jennifer! We've been doing this at re:invention since our very humble beginnings. We give all prospective clients, associates, and partners an empty unlined mini-book that is suggestive of re:invention but unbranded. We hand it to them and tell them to write down their dreams and that they have the power to tell the story of their company in their own words -- filling as many pages or book volumes as they like. The look on a woman's face when we hand her an unexpected gift (even before we sign her as a potential client) is priceless. We negotiated the books in bulk, and they were worth every penny. The books speak volumes more about the re:invention "brand" than a boring company brochure.

David Foster

Hi Jennifer...just linked this in my post, "Fixing Customer Service Problems."

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