Great observation from Tom at SiliconValley Watcher:
...blogging will enable effective and honest communications. Companies will communicate with their communities of customers.
The future is about the enterprise as publisher/publication.
Here is some proof of this trend, I've been sitting on this one for a while because it is so hot: Did you know that Cisco Systems' highly regarded online magazine, [email protected], gets more hits than several of the largest US business and computer trade publications?!
I can step you through this one if you want ... but I think you already know what this means.
I see where he's going and it's an interesting thought. Customers want information, not just products. But instead of "enterprise as publisher," I prefer "enterprise as communicator." We need to listen before we speak. The Cisco news site is currently a one-way information street... yet the company is well-known for being close to customers. It shouldn't take long (operative word: "shouldn't") before their news site becomes more of a community with two-way dialogue. Cross fingers.
Side note: I'm curious as to why this Cisco example was used in a post about corporate blogs (they do have RSS on their news feed, which is a good start). Tom, if you read this, can you comment?
hey, me again....i happen to have contacts at the company of interest and will find out if, in fact, they do anything internally....
Posted by: jbr | February 03, 2005 at 08:15 PM
Companies as the new Fourth Estate? Interesting...
Posted by: john winsor | February 03, 2005 at 07:11 PM