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February 03, 2005


Dietmar Nass

Today suddenly the formatting in my old(!)Typepad entries doesn't work correctly any more. Pictures that were dispkayed side by side before are now formatted one below the other. It looks terrible!!! Does anybody have the same problems?
I wrote an E-Mail to the support. I hope they will react promptly.

Dietmar Nass

Today suddenly the formatting in my old(!)Typepad entries doesn't work correctly any more. Pictures that were dispkayed side by side before are now formatted one below the other. It looks terrible!!! Does anybody have the same problems?
I wrote an E-Mail to the support. I hope they will react promptly.

Stephen Pierzchala

Sorry..I deleted my Typepad account this morning. But I had noticed some post move hiccups and some severe slowness on Monday (Jan 31, 2005).


Mark J

They recently (a week ago) moved to a new data center. This could just be a post-move hiccup.

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