Sorry I haven't written much lately, but I am working on a couple really interesting projects that I know will spawn numerous blog posts. The first is a rather large brand strategy project for @Last Software, a company that makes a super-easy 3D design tool and epitomizes the emerging grassroots culture of openness and co-creation. Great group of folks.
The second is a presentation I'm giving at the American Library Association's Midwinter Symposium later this month. It's sponsored by the Online Computer Library Center, which consists of a bunch of really smart people looking to push libraries into the 21st century. You can find their blog here. Have you really thought about what would happen to libraries in the Google Age? I bet you (like me) haven't thought about libraries at all. What an interesting challenge; how do we rebrand and reinvent libraries to maintain their relevance?
For this conference I'm writing an entirely new presentation based on major social trends and how they are impacting brand development. In a few days I'll start posting each trend, and I'm hopeful we'll get a good conversation going. Stay tuned!
Well, there's the challenge, isn't it, Jennifer? If plugged-in, savvy people such as yourself haven't thought about libraries in the Age of Google, what about ordinary people? Yes, indeed, there is a brand challenge here!
Dmitry, OCLC will provide a web cast of the entire program Jennifer is participating in as few weeks after the Jan 20 program. It'll be on our web site
Posted by: Alane Wilson | January 12, 2006 at 07:15 AM
Great you are back online!
Wish you good luck on the conference. Also - I think it should be interesting in the future to read the presentation you are working at. Please let me know if it will be possible.
Sincerely yours, Dmitry Linkov.
Posted by: Dmitry Linkov | January 11, 2006 at 11:36 AM