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February 10, 2006


Nate in Tokyo

I'm also looking to relocate there! A few friends who live there told me that Oakland is great place to live if you work in San Fran. They have a commuter train connecting the two cities. If you have time, you might want to take a drive through Oakland.

paula r

Yes, what happened to Colorado? Hope we can connect sometime when you get back.

David St Lawrence

Interesting choice of locations! That is one expensive location to live in, but like New York, everyone should live there or near there once.

Living on the Peninsula and commuting may give you a wider choice of options, especially if you work from a home office much of the time.

Good luck in finding what you want!

Dmitry Linkov

Maybe sometimes, when I'll be in San-Fransisco ... =)

But now just can say Hello frow cold Moscow! =)

Dee Rambeau

I thought it was Boulder?

bob c

Let me know if you'd like to connect

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