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February 09, 2006


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Susie Wyshak

The most prevalent examples of Security are people who live "the devil I know" lives - both in terms of relationships and jobs. Sometimes it's easier to be miserable yet secure in knowing what to expect rather than pursuing what you want with an unknown outcome.

Michael Wagner

For years I have thought there was a kind of blindness among business people that defied my abiliity to address. It was the unfailing belief that a good product was enough. But it seemed obvious to me that it was not enough. And as quality initiatives became common this blindspot was all the more dangerous. A good product, even a great one, is not enough. Quality is table-stakes only in today's marketplace.

This posting rings true for me as well as your more recent one on esteem. The relevance of a product is defined by people. I use the term people and not customer on purpose. Maslow, or any other way you wish to get at the subject gives us some insight into what people call relevant and it is more than a pragmatic consideration. It is a also a deeply emotional and human consideration.

Thank you for adding to the conversation and provoking some some warm thoughts in this cold world. (I'm writing from Iowa, so I mean cold world literally - grin.)

Dmitry Linkov

Dear Jennifer,

There are a lot of talks around Maslow.
I won't judge if your version is true or not, I'll say it's interesting.

Do you plan to make an e-book out of this material?


"In the meantime, what are your thoughts on security and connection? Do you have examples/counterexamples?"

I'd propose that the the reformation occurring is not forming around two distinct areas as you seem to suggest ("two very different levels"). I've been amazed at how people with real world connections are using virtual spaces to maintain and/or enhance their physical connections. This is convergence. It can be something as simple as maintaining a blog of one's travels which allows everyone - from close family members to distant cousins - to "keep in touch", or it can be the use of virtual spaces (such as "Second Life" or even "World of Warcraft") to share in a more compelling form of interaction.

I know families that log into Second Life from various parts of the U.S. who together listen to music and watch movies and do other things while interacting with people outside their circle of friends and families. Their experience is no less real than, for example, the reaction viewers might have when a 911 tape is played on the evening news. It truly has to be experienced to be fully appreciated.

So while my own interest (as a product developer) in virtual spaces was driven almost entirely by the 3D datasets and the convergence of real and virtual product (I'm capable of bridging that gap now btw), it's been the social aspect that has taken me by complete surprise.

Additionally, I believe that as more and more people become increasingly wired and involved in online social networking, what you describe as "two very different levels" will fuse. That should come as no surprise, the telephone is a device that creates a virtual connection; we're already primed.

Richard Hoare

As usual, another great post Jennifer.

I'm reading "The Culting of Brands" (Douglas Atkin) at the moment. From what I've read so far it ties in with what you say about connection and belonging.


You are so dead on the mark with this. It is a HUGE behavioral driver, far more than marketers typically realize.

Great post.

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