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Michelle Simmons

I totally get this! I think I wrote a very similar post last year before Honu... or maybe it was the year before... but the gist of it was how scary it is to go into a race knowing that you are as prepared as you could possibly be... because then what if you fail? It's so much easier to give yourself the excuse beforehand- and many people do that- but you're really just cheating yourself if you chose that route. And I can tell you- hiring a coach does NOT automatically instill discipline. You are absolutely one of the hardest working, most dedicated and disciplined athletes I have. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it!) this sport of ours can require years of that (OMG a decade in my case! ;) before your goals are actually met, and even then the goals move so as you know from some of my previous posts, maybe goals are never truly met... which is why those of us who are type A are continually captivated by it... oh I could go on and on... point being just that I *get* this post. And I agree- get through Honu this year... but I would also vote you likely to do an Ironman at some point. I absolutely believe you could do it because I think you could do anything you set your mind to. ;)

Mary tanner

Just do it!


Just make sure you are having fun out there.

You want to do this long term right? No burn out?
Then keep it in perspective. Do the best you can.

It's just a race. There are more important things.


Great post! And I love this part because it's so me too: "I look at my schedule and I do what's on it. It never occurs to me to not do it."

As for IM, I'll just say never say never. I said I'd never run a marathon, never do a triathlon, never do an IM...ha!


Really great post! Awesome you are rekindling the spark.


Two IMs and my life goes on...unchanged and certainly not the highlights of my life!


Awesome. I am type A supreme so I totally get that. :>D

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