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Michelle Simmons

Putting barriers up to block success is SO common! Though I don't see it that way in your case this year... It's not like you planned your work and travel so you wouldn't have to train. ;) Go have FUN at Wildflower! Enjoy the fact that you are healthy/fit enough to be out there... thank the volunteers, smile at the scenery, enjoy the camping time with your friends. I would LOVE to be at Wildflower this weekend! :)


Great attitude, though you don't need any excuses. I can't imagine anyone really feels prepared for their first triathlon. Have a great weekend!

Mary Tanner

Good luck this weekend; don't forget to have fun!!!


Have a great time this weekend and enjoy the warm water and sunshine!


Have a great race! Glad the h2o temps are perfect-just have fun out there. The course is beautiful and the crazy people on the run course keep you going when you don't want to! Party party afterwards!


Congrats on your 3:17! great time for that course...your AG had over 100+ ladies in it? Amazing!

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