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Congratulations on knocking the first one out on a tough course!!! They get easier and harder from here - mentally easier since you've done the distance, physically harder becuase you train more and push yourself more! You rocked it!!!

Michelle Simmons

Those are GREAT pictures! You look good on that bike. :) And I love the look on your face in that run picture... you're right... like OMG we have to run up THAT?? Lol. You sure picked a great race for your first 70.3. Not the easiest course, but one of the best for sure. Now you're going to be spoiled. ;) Congrats again!

Jason Wiener

Congrats on a great race Jenn! The run was SUCH a soul-crusher! Hope you do it again next year. I certainly want to go back. That course and I have a score to settle ;)


Really enjoyed the post Jenn hoping to do my first half Iron man in Sept sounds like a fun..

Kim K

great race report, and congrats on finishing your first 70.3! hopefully many more to come!

Leo Pike

where did you rent your bike from? Doing the Honu half this year!

[email protected]

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