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High cadence is where it's at! It took me a while to get used to it but now my body prefers it.

Have a great weekend!

Jenn @ junkmiles.org

I try to hit a high cadence all the time and my legs are now so accusomted to it I really can't do any differently. Muscle memory is a wonderful thing that way!!
ohh and Eminem's Cinderalla Man saved me today while I was willing my legs through evey step!!


Thanks for the book recommendations! Cutting for Stone keeps popping up so clearly I need to make that my next read. Congrats on the strong training!


I did my century in May in tri shorts, I hate bike shorts! Way to go. Drop by for my next post, I'm gooing to have a ton of info for cadence running, which will apply to biking too.


We used to do tris just in our bathing suits (anything less than an IM)- and for old time's sake I raced in just my suit this last weekend! (sprint)- helped me go 13 min in the h20 for the half mile swim! :-)

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