I haven't posted in ages, but I don't really have much to write about now that I busted up my shoulder! Haven't been able to swim or run for a month. The story in a nutshell:
I was 10 miles into the Marin metric century when I had the bright idea to remove my arm warmers without stopping my bike. Thankfully I'd slowed down to maybe 10 MPH so the subsequent crash wasn't terrible (and I landed in a bunch of tall grass instead of the road) but I landed squarely on my shoulder. My first thought: Did anyone see me?? Ha. I jumped up, brushed off myself and my bike, and finished the ride.
Fast forward a couple days later when I tried to run. OUCH! After 1 mile my shoulder started killing me; that back-and-forth repeated motion revealed that the crash wasn't as benign as I'd thought. I tried swimming and got no farther than 100 yards or so. After 2 more running attempts I knew there was something wrong and I needed to rest up.
Well, rest didn't help. Progressively every activity that involved raising my arm brought pain: washing my hair is a big problem. A week ago I went to a sports doctor who tested my strength and mobility and found everything ok... he really didn't know what was wrong. Said it was probably a small tear in my rotator cuff, or bursitis or tendinosis, and that if it's not better in a few weeks I should go back in for an MRI and maybe a cortisone shot.
So... still resting it. Tried swimming over the weekend and it was a no-go. I've cancelled my Miami race (and the half marathon and Oly) and my mom and I will instead hit a 3-day cruise to the Bahamas :-) So that's it for triathlon until next year, for sure. Hope everyone in blogland is healthy and injury-free!
Uggh. I'm so sorry Jenn. Sounds like we're having similar late summers. I raced the Chicago Triathlon w/ a sinus infection, chest cold and what turned out to be an inguinal hernia (having surgery tomorrow). Pretty much scratching the rest of the season. Thinking about Hawaii 70.3 again though. You considering a repeat appearance? Rest well and get better.
Posted by: Jason Wiener | 09/07/2011 at 08:01 PM
I am just glad you are okay. Bummed, I am sure but okay. And you know what there is always next year too! Get healthy and you will rock. Hope everything else is good too!!!
Posted by: Mary Tanner | 09/08/2011 at 05:13 AM
I feel you. Three months into marathon training and I've got a combo double Achilles issue and PF in my left foot. Haven't run in two weeks. Ain't life grand?
Michelle asks, "if you can walk in the morning with no pain, try a short 30' run". I'm still waiting for that morning.
Posted by: Regina | 09/14/2011 at 08:24 PM
I am so glad to hear you're ok and so sorry to hear about teh fall itself!! Hopefully you'll be back to where you want to be in no time!!
Posted by: Junk1600s | 09/19/2011 at 04:26 AM
Good to hear all about these stories. I just started on this running and marathon runs at the age of 25.
Posted by: triathlon gear | 11/22/2011 at 09:57 PM