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Great blog! For those of us who are members of the 40-something triathlon/ironman/whatinthehellwasithinkingwhenitoldeveryoneiwasgonnadothis group your posts describing how you are dealing with your shoulder injury are inspiring. On these November pacific northwest nights when a run consists of darkness and near-drowning it's helpful to be reminded that there are other people grinding out the miles in similar conditions while battling injuries, fatigue, life, etc. Thanks for the motivation!


Great blog, I've enjoyed snooping around :) And I can promise you that even after 4 Ironmans, I still wake up on some days and wonder if it's possible to do another one. Embrace the ups and downs and with the right tools you can do it. It's not easy - but it's definitely worth it!! Good luck with your goals for 2012, I'll be following!

Motivational Speakers Sydney

Hard work when you are the one doing it is really something that is worth it. The inspiration that goes along the hard work that you do also one of the motivational factors that causes success in every endeavor that you do...

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