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How exciting!!! I felt SUCH a difference after my bike fit! It sounds like you are going to have a great ride this weekend!


Hmm...I tried a version of the Adamo, and hated it. I have a great fitter, but he doesn't have a variety of saddles for me to try out. I desperately need a new saddle tho. Thanks for the suggestion!


yay! Rock and Ride! Can't wait for long ride report!


Very interested to hear about your ride report. Just got my P2 fitted yesterday and I've switched to this type of saddle (although it looks horribly dangerous for a guy) because it is waaaay more comfortable. My fitter put a tie band on the bottom to close the gap a bit - made a huge difference. didn't feel like my thighs were being pushed apart.


Yes! I remember I used to have that feature in training peaks with the red and green. Don't know what happened to it! Enjoy the saddle- the adamo has helped me soooo much (As has a new fit!)

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