I wrote a couple weeks ago about my bike fit and new saddle. Alas, I still wasn't comfortable... my last long ride had me jacking with my seat (raise it, lower it, raise it) to keep my right foot from going numb, and my shoulders were hurting.
So I just went back for round 2. My fitter replaced my 172.5 cranks with 165's, and wow... what a difference. I was a bit worried about making that big of a change, but it's not overtly noticeable. I can tell I'm spinning more easily, and my knees aren't bumping up against my torso... so now I can relax with a flatter back in aero, which puts less pressure on my shoulders. If you're not 6 feet tall and you're riding 172's, I'd highly recommend getting shorter cranks.
We also swapped out my stem for a longer one, so now I'm a bit more stretched out and comfortable on the bike. And lastly, switched out my seat to another of the same brand. The shape was just a bit off, with the right side slightly higher, which I think may have caused the numb foot.
And ta-dah! New fit is on the left, old/original position on the right. I look at the one on the right, with the seat so much lower and farther back, and can't believe I rode my bike in that cramped position. Really looking forward to my long ride this weekend to try it out!
Looks good! And super aero!!
Posted by: Molly | 04/12/2012 at 03:49 PM