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Molly McNamara

Yikes!!! I really hope you figure out what this is! If it does turn out to be gluten, then you live in about the best area I know of for finding alternate foods because there are soooo many gluten free options now. My brother has a very strong gluten intolerance and gets very sick eating it as well - he gets awful migraines in addition to bad stomach pain. I hope you feel better soon!


I know a lot of people who are allergic to gluten. There are plenty of blogs that have gluten free recipes. Good luck to you!


Oh no! I'm sorry that you'll be missing Honu, but more sorry that you're feeling so crappy. I hope you get resolution soon and get to feeling better!


Wow, I'm really sorry to hear about your health issues. Hope you figure out what the problem is soon. You must be pretty frustrated.

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